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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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{SECTION_MENU}Governance and Our Academy Council

Governance & Our Academy Council

“Governors are jointly responsible for the conduct of the school, ensuring that the best possible Catholic education is provided for the pupils attending the school. This means ensuring the school is run according to its Articles of Association and the Diocesan Trust Deed, that its religious character is preserved and developed, and that pupils obtain high standards of academic achievement.”
— Diocese of Leeds Office for Education and Schools
The role of Foundation Governors - Diocese of Leeds Education


What is an Academy Council?

All schools in England have a Governing Body/Academy Council which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community. The Academy Council meets six times a year and the Admissions Committee meets annually.

The Headteacher provides the Academy Council with regular updates concerning progress towards whole school targets, which are linked to the School Development Plan. Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the academy council are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum and school buildings. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

The Academy Councils of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust schools work closely with the Trust Board, through the Directors of the Trust Board, Mr Beardsley, Trust Chief Executive Officer, and Mr Nightingale, Trust Chief Operating Officer, to ensure good communication, maintain high standards of teaching and learning, and ensure implementation of statutory requirements and good financial management.

The Academy Council at St. Joseph’s comprises of 10 Governors: 

  • 6 Foundation Governors
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • Headteacher

The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.

The Chair of Governors is Mrs A Wood. She can be contacted via the school office Tel: 01282 813045. The Vice Chair of Governors is Mr J Whalley. 


Academy Council: Mrs A Wood (Chair), Mr J Whalley (Vice Chair), Mr O' Connor, Mrs Southern, Father P Hall, Mr Holt, Mrs A Czarnecki, Miss Naylor, Mr D Boyd and Mrs N Wood

Admissions:  Mrs J Southern (Chair), Mr J Whalley (Vice Chair), Mr O' Connor and Mrs N Wood

Academy Council Link Roles

  • Quality of Education
  • Catholic Life and Enrichment 
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Resources (including Finance, Estates, Health and Safety, ICT, Pupil Premium Strategy)
  • Safeguarding and Pastoral Inclusion 
  • Careers 

How are governors appointed?

  • Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Leeds, following recommendation from their Parish Priest.
  • Staff Governors are appointed through a process of election by the whole staff at the academy.
  • Parent Governors are appointed through a process of election by the parents of pupils at the academy.
  • The Headteacher maintains their post for as long as they are in role.


  BWCAT Scheme of Delegation 

BWCAT Scheme of Delegation 2024-25

 Register of Business Interests

 Register of Business Interests 2024-25.pdf

 Governor Attendance 2023-2024.pdf

 Governor Attendance 2023-2024.pdf Governor_Attendance_23-24.pdf

 Articles of Association


Member's Signed Resolution


Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust Reports and Accounts


Relationship between St Joseph's Academy Council and The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust

The Directors of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds, appointed by the Bishop

One of the founding principles of our Trust is subsidiarity; that all decisions are made at the most appropriate level, rather than being imposed from above. In practice, therefore key to the work of the Trust is our Headteachers Group.

The Headteachers of all Trust schools meet on a regular basis. As well as sharing good practice, they offer mutual support and development, peer review and develop and oversee the implementation of Trust wide policies.
Each school has an Academy Council with Governors appointed by the Diocese or elected by parents and staff. They oversee the strategic direction of each school and scrutinise standards, finance and admissions. Governors work with staff to continually monitor and develop the school’s achievements and direction as outlined in the School’s Development Plans.

The Trust Directors meet as a Board supported by the Resources Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee. They receive regular updates on progress within all the schools and have overall legal responsibility for standards, finance and admissions.

Everyone who works in our schools are employees of the Bishop Wheeler Trust and the Directors are responsible for developing and ensuring implementation of policies across all our schools to support this.

The work of the whole Trust is underpinned by and focused ensuring outstanding Catholic education for all pupils. As a family of schools, the Trust enables our young people to develop spiritually, morally, intellectually and personally, putting their faith into action, through serving Christ in others, in the church and in the world around them.