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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Welcome to Class 5

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 5 please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Gill, the class teacher via Class Dojo.

Please click to view the latest newsletter


Important days

PE days – Tuesday and Thursday. Homework set weekly on a Friday

Weekly Timetable

 Class 5 timetable Autumn 2024.pdf

Long Term Planning


Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class. 

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 5 please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Gill, the class teacher. 

Please click to view Class 5s Long Term Plans

Class 5 Long Term Plan 2024-25 cycle A.pdf

Class 5 Long Term Plan 2023-24.pdf 


Y5/6 Common Exception Words
Spag Knowledge Organisers


Cursive lead inVerbal Path


Each week, the class will receive homework via ClassDojo. This includes 30 mins of TTRS, regular reading, 10 Read Theories and a Maths based task on Maths.co.uk. Year 6 will have revision as part of their homework

Reading Challenge

Y5/6 100 book challenge list

Class Saint

Class 5’s Class Saint is St. Christopher. He has been chosen as he is the patron saint of children and travelling and a main part of Class 5 is getting ready for the journey onto Secondary School.

Useful Links for Parents

Here are some websites and ideas to support your child’s learning at home. If you need a reminder of your login, let me know!

Times Table Rock Stars enabled children to practice their times tables to help them get quicker and more accurate.

Active learn provides a range of Maths and SPaG games

Letter join is a great website to practise our handwriting it can be used on computers or tablets.

Maths.co.uk is where our weekly homework is set


Read Theory is where our weekly homework is set for reading comprehension


Dates for diaries

Monday 12 May 2025 English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2

Tuesday 13 May 2025 KS2 reading

Wednesday 14 May 2025 Mathematics papers 1 and 2

Thursday 15 May 2024 Mathematics paper 3

Thursday 3rd July 2025 Sats Results Released

Welcome aboard the Titanic

Titantic day! Each child was given a real passenger to dress up as and to research about. And then we boarded the Titanic! They have loved finding out if their passenger survived and what class they were in. A fab day to start our History Topic this half-term.

Respect assembly

Class 5 delivered a whole school assembly on the virtue of 'Respect'. They planned it and decided each reading and prayer.