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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Year 6 Transition

How we manage the transition to secondary school

At St. Joseph's, we believe that a student’s ability to enjoy and achieve is best enhanced by a smooth transition between each key stage. We need to sustain, in our young people an enthusiasm for learning, confidence in themselves as learners and a sense of achievement and purpose.

It is therefore important that transition is well planned; in stages and that we should not expect new students to cope with a huge change in teaching organisation and style all at once. Learning at St. Joseph's needs to build on what the student has achieved in his/her primary school.

We aim to ensure a smooth and effective transition from primary school to Fisher More High School (our Catholic feeder high school) and other high schools, in order to help all our young people to feel safe and happy, to have their needs met and to ultimately fulfil their true potential. We aim to achieve this by:​

  • Offering staff and students in partner primaries a range of opportunities to visit our school
  • Ensuring the swift, efficient transfers of data and information from primary schools and its dissemination to all our staff before the start of the new academic year
  • Listening to student and parent voice through the use of questionnaires and focus group interviews
  • Fostering a caring and reassuring environment

We start this process early through a number of planned visit/transition days in March-July prior to the September start at school for Year 7 students.  Details of key dates will be provided nearer the time.

Resources to help pupils, schools, parents and carers to cope with the changes and transitions they experience during their time at school.


