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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Anti Bullying

What Children Should Do

  • Walk away from a bullying incident.
  • Ask for the bullying behaviour to stop.
  • Report an incident of bullying to any trusted adult or through the use of the classroom worry box.
  • Have an expectation that something will be done about it.
  • Feel that they are listened to and believed.
  • Feel safe and included.

Preventing bullying at St. Joseph's

St. Joseph's aims to prevent bullying through:

  • The school’s ethos and mission of Jesus at the centre of all we do and say. Caring, sharing, laughing, learning, loving and praying.
  • A curriculum which fosters good relationships with each other.
  • Every classroom has a ‘worry box’ which teachers will check regularly.
  • Annual anti-bullying and internet safety weeks.
  • Assemblies with anti-bullying and respect for others themes.
  • The school’s life curriculum which encompasses PSHE, RSE, mental health and well-being.
  • Virtues to Live by Curriculum

Our Strategy for Dealing with Bullying

Step 1 – When a child reports an incident of bullying behaviour it should be then passed to that child’s class teacher to deal with. Details of bullying behaviour should be recorded on CPOMS. If a child has used prejudice, offensive or inappropriate language their parents should always be informed. Staff should use questioning strategies to understand the nature of the incident and speak to any witnesses. Ensure that the child who is bullied feels that they are believed and is given support if needed.

Step 2 – If the incident of bullying has happened more than once, by the same child or has been aimed at the same child, then this should be reported to the Deputy Headteacher. The Deputy Headteacher and the class teacher will speak to all children involved. The children involved will be told that this behaviour is being monitored regularly and the Class teacher and Deputy Headteacher will check on a weekly basis as to whether the bullying behaviour has improved. The children will be told that if it has not then parents will be informed.

Step 3 - If the incidents of bullying continue then both parents will be informed. Incidents will continue to be logged. Analysis of the incidents of bullying will help determine appropriate sanctions and support which is needed. For example if the bullying behaviour takes place during break times then the child bullying will be excluded from break times. If either child needs nurture or relationship support then this will be put in place either in school or by involving outside agencies. Regular communication with children and parents involved will continue. The Headteacher will also be informed of all incidents and communications.