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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Welcome to Class 2


If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 2 please do not hesitate to speak to  Mrs Ellison via Class Dojo.

Please click to view the most recent newsletter


Class Timetable


Important days

Class 2’s PE days this half term are Monday and Wednesday. Children come to school in their PE kit. They can come in their trainers. Pumps should permanently be in school in a pump bag for indoor wear. 

Long Term Planning

Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class. 

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 2 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Ellison, the class teacher.

Please click to view Class 2s Long term plans

Class 2 Long Term Plan 23-24 & 24-25.pdf

Class 2 long term plans 22-23 & 23-24 pdf

Home Learning

Children in Class 2 are expected to read out loud to an adult at least three times a week. This is recorded in the green reading record. The book and record must come to school every day to be checked or exchanged.

Your child will bring home a Maths game weekly for home learning. As well as revising important Maths concepts these also help children build resilience, practise turn taking and build communication skills. Year 2 will also receive some online homework via maths.co.uk. 


Please can children bring bookbags every day. They are needed for reading books, maths games and letters.


 Year 1 Common Exception Words

Year 2 Common Exception Words

Attached are the common exception words that each year group need to know. We practise these in school, and it would be great if your child could practise these at home too. 

Children in Year 2 will bring home weekly spellings to practise.

Reading Challenge

Y1-2 100 book challenge.pdf

Class Saint

Our Class Saint is St Francis. His feast day is the 4th October. St Francis is the patron saint if animals and the environment. We learn a lot about caring for God's world from him. 

Library visit

Class 2 had a wonderful visit to Barnoldswick library . They listened to some stories and made some cards.