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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Welcome to Class 3


If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 3 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Dixon (Monday to Wednesday) or Mrs Rook (Wednesday-Friday), the class teachers.

Please click to view the latest newsletter

Class 3 Newsletter Autumn 2024.pdf





Our writing as always will concentrate on using more challenging vocabulary, understanding the key structures of the different genres of writing, including stories and reports and instructions.  We will also keep working on our sentence structure, making sure we are using a variety of grammar skills.

Grammar & Handwriting

There will be regular timetabled sessions for all children.  We will look at the key skills required for each year group and we will be concentrating on our handwriting and presentation skills.

Class reading

We have “Reading Pleasure” sessions scheduled into our timetable – time for us, as a class to enjoy sharing and listening to a story together.  We also have Guided Reading sessions, where we look at extracts from texts to help develop our reading fluency, comprehension and inference skills.

Class Dojo

Please keep an eye on both the Class Story and the Whole School Story for news and updates. Also, please use this to contact us direct. 


Maths homework will “go live” every Friday, please try to complete by the following Tuesday.  Children will bring home weekly spellings.  Please also try to read daily with your child, signing their Reading Record. Read theory is also available to practise reading comprehension. All logins are in your child’s reading record book.

Twinning with St. Philips

Class 3 have made some special bunting to send to a school we are twinning with St. Philips.

We hope they like it and learn a little more about Class 3's favourite things.

Long Term Planning


Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class. 

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 3 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Dixon or Mrs Honeyman, the class teachers.

 Please click to view Class 3 long term plans

Class 3 Long Term Plan 2024-2025 Cycle A.pdf

Class 3 Long Term Plan 2023-24 cycle B.pdf