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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Welcome to Class 4 


If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 4 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Hargreaves, the class teacher via Class Dojo.

Please click to vew the latest newsletter



Important days

  • Tuesday - PE
  • Thursday - PE (please come to school in PE kit), Times Table Champions
  • Friday - Spelling Quiz, Homework completed, Homework sent home

Weekly Timetable


Long Term Planning


Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class. 

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 4 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Hargreaves, the class teacher.

 Please click to view Class 4 Long term plans

Class 4 Long Term Plan 2024-25.pdf

Class 4 Long Term Plan 2023-24.pdf


Year-3/4 Common Exception Words

Y5 Common Exception Words

Y4 Spag Knowledge Organisers

Y5 Spag Knowledge Organisers


Cursive lead inVerbal Path

Home Learning

As we move on through the school home work in class 4 is an expectation and I would be grateful for your support. Each week your child will be given:

Please support your child with regular reading at home and ensure that there is a minimum of two signatures in your child’s reading record per week.

 At least 30 minutes a week on TTRS

 complete 7 Read Theories.

 Weekly spellings.

Reading Challenge

Y3/4 100 book challenge list

Y5/6 100 book challenge list

Our Class Saint- Oscar Romero


Useful Links for Parents

Here are some websites and ideas to support your child’s learning at home. If you need a reminder of your login, let me know!

Times Table Rock Stars enabled children to practice their times tables to help them get quicker and more accurate.
Active learn provides a range of Maths and SPaG games
Letter join is a great website to practise our handwriting it can be used on computers or tablets.

Maths.co.uk is where our weekly homework is set


Read Theory is where our weekly homework is set for reading comprehension


Liturgy and RSE Parent portal. As part of your subscription to "Life to the Full" and "Prayer and Liturgy", all parents will be able to access the Online Parent Portal -please contact school for the username and password

Parent Portal



In class 4, we have enjoyed working out how electricity works and applied our learning in DT making our torches