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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Healthy School Meals

Children are able to concentrate and learn better when they have eaten a healthy, balanced lunch – school meals can be the simple solution.

School meals for ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are completely FREE! This will provide a saving to families of over £450 per year for each child.

In our we serve each day: two main courses (one of which is a vegetarian meal), vegetables/salad, pudding of the day or fruit or yoghurt and chilled water. We also provide a jacket potato option three times a week. 

  • Meals are freshly made every day, using great quality produce
  • Fresh vegetables and potatoes, locally when in season
  • UK farm assured chicken, beef and lamb
  • Free range eggs
  • 100% salmon and white fish fillet from sustainable sources
  • Dolphin friendly tuna
  • Choice UK cheddar
  • Menus are designed to provide healthy, balanced meals which will be enjoyed by children
  • Menus meet the Government guidelines for school meals
  • All medical and religious diets can be catered

The food we serve meets the January 2015 Food Standards.

Click here to see the core competences for children and young people aged 5-16 years: A framework of skills and knowledge around food, diet and physical activity.

A copy of our current menu is below. For more information please speak to the school office staff or have a chat with our Cook who will be happy to answer your questions.

The cost of a school dinner is £2.60 per day, £13.00 per week (payable on Fridays for the following week).

Favourite Fridays - If your child would like to try a School Dinner, why not let them try a Favourite Friday Menu. Leaflets are to be sent home with your child containing more information.




For more information for the Children's Food Trust, please click here

 Autumn Winter Menu

 Menu Autumn Winter 24-25.pdf

Allergens and Special Diets

For more information please see https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/catering/food-solutions/special-diets/primary-school-allergen-and-special-diet-policy/