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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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ICT Ambassadors

Welcome to our new ICT and Online Safety Ambassadors


  • To keep the pupils of St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School safe online
  • To make computing enjoyable
  • To develop confidence using ICT
  • To keep computing up to date


Roles and Responsibilities

  • To lead a computing club
  • To help pupils upskill in computing
  • To arrange online safety assemblies/competitions in themed weeks e.g safer internet day, anti-bullying
  • To monitor the online safety displays around school and ensure that the SMART rules are on display
  • To consult the views of all children and see if there are any concerns or issues they need to be aware of (use of an 'ask it' basket in the ICT suite)
  • To help the ICT subject leader identify any areas of concern on social media, which may need to be mentioned in the school newsletter
  • To meet with Mr. Worsley, our online safety governor, to update him with information regarding online safety in school