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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Inspection Reports: 

Ofsted & RE Section 48

Ofsted Report 2023

Links to Ofsted - click here

We were inspected on 22nd and 23rd February 2023. It was a 2 day graded inspection.


Dear Parents,
I am very pleased to now share our Ofsted report with you all. We are delighted to be graded as a Good school and that the inspectors commented upon so many strengths in school. His comments about the children are wonderful and show he saw their genuine qualities whilst here for only 2 days. Our staff will continue to aim high and provide a rich curriculum for all our pupils. I hope you enjoy reading it. Very well done St. Joseph's family team of staff, children, governors and families!

 10241803 - St Joseph's Catholic Primary, Barnoldswick - 119685 Final (1).pdf


If you would like a copy of this report please ask at the school office and we are happy to provide.

Comments from the inspection report:

  • Pupils work hard to meet high expectations that leaders and staff have of their academic achievement and personal development
  • Pupils strive to live up to the school values of trust and friendship. They told inspectors that their strong friendships in school make them feel happy
  • Pupils benefit from positive relationships with staff
  • Pupils are confident that staff will listen to their worries. This makes then feel safe
  • Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour
  • Pupils regularly display good manners. They do their best to treat others in the same way that they would like to be treated themselves
  • Leaders have constructed a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This curriculum enables pupils to achieve well overall.
  • Many pupils who join school in the Reception Year become confident readers by the end of key stage 1. Leaders promote and develop a love of reading well across the school.
  • Pupils experience a broad range of opportunities that enhance their personal development. Pupils understand the differences between people and the importance of treating everyone equally.
  • Governors support and challenge leaders well
  • Staff are positive about working at the school and value the support that they receive from leaders
  • Leaders and staff are vigilant to potential safeguarding issues
  • Leaders ensure that pupils learn how to keep themselves safe outside of school

 Section 48 Inspection

In November 2018 we had our Section 48 Inspection.

Catholic Life-'Outstanding'

Religious Education-'Good' 

Collective Worship-'Outstanding'


Governors and staff are very pleased with this inspection and the report clearly highlights our strengths. The inspector spoke very highly of our pupils throughout the inspection. They certainly were a credit to school.

The inspector acknowledged our many strengths including:

  • Strong effective leadership
  • The commitment to the children’s well-being and to the faith life of the school is a priority
  • The calm, harmonious community feel of St. Joseph’s is a real strength.
  • Governors are very active in school and the parish. They have an excellent understanding of the areas of strength and any areas for development.
  • Provision for and the commitment to College Worship, by leaders and staff, is outstanding.
  • Pupils’ contribution to the Catholic Life of the school is excellent.
  • Joseph’s is an inclusive school
  • Parish links are extremely strong
  • Pupils talk about RE with enthusiasm.
  • The vast majority of staff are practising Catholics. They are highly skilled in delivering worship and have excellent knowledge of the church’s year and how to plan worship that engages the children.
  • The school goes to great lengths to invite adults, so parents are fully informed of what is coming up.

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