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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Mission, Vision & Ethos

Our Vision

At. St. Joseph’s, we strive to provide the highest quality of Catholic education; promoting the academic, physical, spiritual, moral and social development of each child to reach their full potential.

We wish that our children leave St. Joseph’s with a love of learning and become valued members of society and the Church.

Our Ethos and Values

To achieve this vision at St. Joseph’s we:

  • believe that every child is special and has God given talents and skills
  • work in partnership with the Parish of St Joseph’s Barnoldswick which includes St Patrick’s Earby, to share with each other the richness of our Catholic faith
  • provide a safe, happy and caring environment where each one can be helped and nurtured in the growth of their faith
  • welcome children of families who are not Catholic but seeking a Christian environment for their child
  • actively support parents and carers positively in their role as educators of their children.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission statement at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is embedded by the statement of ethos:

With Jesus at the centre of all we do and say

With the mission statement in mind, St. Joseph’s Catholic School

  • believes in a partnership between home, school and parish in which each child experiences a living faith based on the teachings of Christ
  • endeavours to create a caring environment where each child, being unique and individual, has the opportunity to fulfil their potential
  • aims for excellence in all areas of the curriculum
  • strives towards achieving good working relationship and open communication, with children and adults being supported, respected and valued


In order to achieve this, we base our lives on these 5 values:






We would be pleased to have the opportunity to show prospective parents around our school when the atmosphere and ethos can be experienced at first hand.

We welcome this as an opportunity to explain our aims and to be able to answer any questions that you may have.

In May 2017, Ofsted rated us as ‘good’.  In our RE Inspection in November 2018, we were judged as ‘good’. The staff and Governors are very proud of the Catholic ethos of our school and parents identify it as a strength of the school.


Minutes from the Mini Vinnies and School council meeting. Please click below

Views from the children:

  • We have looked at a lot of different values over the year. I feel that Love is important because Jesus taught us that we should love one another as he loves us
  • Honesty is important to me. I know that you must always tell the truth even when you sometimes makes mistakes
  • At St. Joseph's we all play together and look after one another. We are all friends. Friendship is important.
  • I like the 5 virtues being in the new prayer garden. It reminds us of which class has each one.
  • My family and me picked these virtues because they helps us to look after one another and treat each other with love and respect.


Our ethos is central to all we do and say. Over the last year we have achieved a number of standards from the Healthy Schools Award including Leadership and  Partnership with families. Our ethos is lived by the children, their families, our staff and the wider community including our Church. Achieving these standards recognizes and celebrates the strong links we have and the importance of working together to provide the highest quality education for all.