Our Catholic Life
Each day in school begins and ends with a prayer and of course we pray at other times of the day too. We celebrate worship as a whole school at least once a week and KS1 gather to celebrate worship together, as do KS2. This is led by our class teachers with the support of some of the children. The worship is based around a piece of scripture and we have a value which is displayed around school and which supports our spiritual, personal social and emotional growth. This value is chosen by the children and links with the season of the church.
The children throughout the year plan and lead a worship for their own class, Key Stage or for the whole school. The younger children are supported by the staff but as they grow in both confidence and skill they become independent in doing this.
We come together for Mass at different times of the year. Mass is celebrated by Father Firth in school and we also make the walk to church too to celebrate Mass there.
We have a group of children who are trained altar servers and serve in both school and the parish. We also have members of staff who are Eucharistic ministers in church and serve in school and family Masses too.
We also share many Liturgies together during the year, reflecting the church's calendar, such as Christingle.
I am pleased to say that all our Masses and liturgies are very well attended by parents/carers, family members, governors and parishioners who are always most welcome!
Sacramental Programme
The children are able to receive three Sacraments during their time at St. Joseph’s:
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation - Year 3
- First Holy Communion - Year 4
- Confirmation - Year 6
Our school prides itself on strong links between the Parish, school and home. This means that the preparation for these sacraments remains very strong.
Parents are encouraged to attend workshops with their child, in order to be fully involved in the preparation for the Sacraments.
Year 3 take the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The sacrament of Reconciliation is received by baptised Catholic children at the end of Year 3.
All children in Year 3 are included in the celebration of the sacrament and our inclusive ethos ensures that those children who are not baptised Catholics are enabled to participate as fully as possible in supporting their classmates during the programme.
Year 3 take a step along their Faith Journey, by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a chance to say sorry to God for the things they have done that have hurt God, others and themselves. When God created man, in his image and likeness, he knew we would make wrong choices so he gave us the gift of Reconciliation so that we have the opportunity to put our wrongs, right and grow closer, to God; following in his ways.
The children will learn the Act of Contrition;
O my God, because you are so good,
I am very sorry that I have sinned against you,
And by the help of your grace, I will try not to sin again.
Holy Communion
As from September 2018, children in Year 4 receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
The children prepare thoroughly for this Sacrament. The preparation takes place during RE lessons and there are also meetings between school, parents, and our parish priest Father Firth.
The children receive Holy Communion after Easter. This sacrament is widely celebrated by the entire school and parish community.
Children in Year 6 receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Here they learn to grow in faith whilst considering the role of the Disciple. The Bishop confirms the children, during a moving service.
If you do not attend St Joseph’s Primary School but you are interested in preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation or would like to know more about the Catholic Faith please contact Fr Kevin Firth on 01282 812204
Good Shepherd Appeal Mass
Choir visit Cravenside
Each class in KS2 have enjoyed Carol Singing in our local community.
Carol Service
The choir led us in a wonderful Carol Service as we prepared to welcome the baby Jesus at Christmas! Each Class prepared a Christmas celebration, which was enjoyed by our families.
Year 6 children were confirmed by Bishop Marcus at St. Joseph’s along with children from St. Stephen’s parish, Skipton. The children received the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide them in life. Thank you to all involved especially the catechists who prepared the children so well
Big Walk
All our children enjoyed taking part in the Big Walk. Our Mini Vinnies designed outdoor prayer stations and our parish catechists and some members of the SVP join us to support our pilgrimage. So many parents came to support their family with this wonderful community event This helped raise money for CAFOD and to raise money the Good Shepherd Appeal during Lent. True Faith in action
Mini Vinnies Penitential Service
All of KS2 enjoyed a Lent Reconciliation Service led by our Mini Vinnies followed by individual confessions with Fr Phillip.
Bikeability with Go Velo
Ks2 shared an incredible dramatisation of Pentecost. This was led by Father Phillip and supported by the Mini Vinnies.
School service of Remembrance
In this special month of November, we prayer for all those who have died. Father Phillip came into school and led a prayer service with the children in KS2 . It was a very beautiful and reflective. Five candles were lit from the Pascal Candle, (one for each class)
Service of Remembrance
Representatives from school attended the Service of Remembrance at the cenotaph in Barnoldswick to remember and honour those killed or injured in conflicts around the world.
Learning about the Rosary
Father Phillip came into school and KS2 made a giant Rosary in the hall. He guided the children through this and explained the Rosary.
Our Mini Vinnies went to church to display all our amazing Harvest donations for West Craven Food Bank.
Thank you to all our families. Your generosity will help so many locally.
Canon Firth's Retirement
A parish celebration was held to commemorate the retirement of our parish priest Canon Kevin Firth. Father Firth had served the parish for eight years and will be greatly missed. A presentation was made and the parish joined together to wish him a very happy retirement.
First Holy Communion
Eight children made their First Holy Communion. It was a wonderful occasion for our children and their families.
Stations of the Cross
Class 2 & 3 visited church to learn about the Stations of the Cross. Canon Firth took the children around various areas of church and explained the different stations. The children listened attentively.
Congratulations to our group who made the act of Reconciliation recently. Thank you to our catechists for preparing them and to our families for supporting them on their journey of faith
Class 4 Assembly - Saints
Class 4 delivered their class assembly about what is means to be a saint. They hosted a quiz about our class saint and told us all about St. Oscar Romero. Thank you to the families who supported this.
Reconciliation for Advent
Class 4 and 5 took part in a Penitential Service as part of our preparations in Advent. We thank Canon Firth who spoke to us about the importance of Reconciliation and our Mini Vinnies who led us in reflection.
Class 5 assembly - Respect
Class 5 delivered the whole school assembly on the virtue of 'Respect'. They planned it and decided each reading and prayer. Well done Class 5!
Many congratulations to our Year 6 who were confirmed at St. Stephens in Skipton by Bishop Marcus. It was lovely to join with our neighbouring Parish to celebrate this special sacrament
Penitential Service
KS2 joined together for a Penitential service with Canon Firth to reflect upon how we live our lives and what we could do better. Children then went to confession to speak to God.
Stations of the Cross
Class 4 and 5 visited St. Joseph's Parish Church and Canon Firth led us in prayer through the journey Christ took to the cross. The children read The Stations of The Cross with reverence and clarity.
Outdoor Liturgy with Father Firth
We held our new school year liturgy outside with individual bubbles and Father Firth. It may be a new way, but it was so lovely to remember why we come to St. Joseph's and what makes us special and unique.
Altar Servers
Children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to train to become altar servers with Father Firth.
Learning the Rosary with Father Firth
The children in Class 2 and Class 3 have been learning about the meaning of the Rosary and learning the prayers which are said in the Rosary.