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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Charities

Food Bank

Today, our Head boy on behalf of the Mini Vinnies led a presentation about helping others and the start of St. Joseph's Food Bank. He did a great job and we look forward to supporting those in need.

Sponsored Walk

Running total of our sponsored big walk so far £751 and counting!
This will be shared amongst our chosen charities! Our Mini Vinnies give you huge thank you! 

Christmas jumper day for Save the Children

Classes 1, 2 and 3 were looking fabulous in their Christmas clothes. They were supporting Save the Children for our non-uniform day.

Samaritan's Purse - Shoe Box Appeal

36 wonderful Shoeboxes have been collected and are off to bring joy to Ukranian refugees. Thank you so much for your contributions. Our Mini Vinnies helped load the van.


Mrs Spiller from Cafod came to talk to the whole school about our Lenten journey and how we can help others.

West Craven Food Bank

Our children and families donated food for the West Craven Food Bank as part of our Harvest celebrations.  At the Harvest assembly, Liz from West Craven Food Bank came and explained how the donations help families in our area and to accept the wonderful donations that had been given.

Cafod workshop

Mrs Spiller visited the school , to tell us how the money we raised for Cafod during the past year, has been used to build flood defenses in vulnerable areas of the world.

She then ran a workshop in Class 4 on the the plight of refugees and how along with Cafod we can help to alleviate their suffering.