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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Our Houses

Why have Houses Teams?

We feel the children benefit from being members of mixed age school teams. It helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each other, it gives the children a strong sense of responsibility and belonging and provides them with a range of additional activities to take part in.

How many House Teams are there?

There are four houses with balanced numbers of boys and girls and numbers from each year group. Family members are in the same house.

Our 4 houses are named after local hills:

  • Pendle
  • Boulsworth
  • Hawshaw
  • Weets

House Captains

Each house has two House Captains; one from Year 5 and one from Year 6. Children have to apply for this position and explain how they will be ambassadors for their house. See our present captains below.

How do children get house points?

House points are awarded for various reasons including achievements and good behaviour throughout the school day. We also add sports day points to the totals. Any member of staff can award house points. At the end of each week the house captains collect the points are empty them into the visual display in our main entrance for everyone to see. 


Some children are also awarded a star! These are very special and worth 20 house points! Children are awarded a star if they reach the gold award on our traffic light behaviour system, in recognition of their consistently exceptional behaviour. They can also be awared a star for 'living out' our school virtues. 

How does a house win the house cup?
At the end of the term the winning team is announced and they receive an award and also have the opportunity to wear non-school uniform for one day!