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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Personal Social & Health Education

Subject Lead – Hannah Gill

PSHE-Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the proposed new national curriculum.

Intent, implementation and impact of our PSHE Curriculum

At St Joseph’s Primary School, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) enables our children to become independent, aware and healthy citizens of their communities; in line with the vision of the PSHE Association ‘What we teach in the classroom will help our pupils foster lifelong aspirations, goals and values’. The programme aims to support pupils to thrive in a time of rapid change. Although the specific content of PSHE education will constantly evolve as the world changes, the curriculum is based upon three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Therefore, PSHE aims to develop pupils, personally and socially and supports the growth of well-rounded individuals.


Our curriculum for PSHE works to meet the needs of our pupils within the diverse society they live in. The curriculum is vital in allowing children to develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally (SMSC), alongside their academic studies. An integral part of the curriculum is supporting the development of self-esteem and confidence of the pupils, supporting the self-efficacy of individuals. The curriculum also offers the opportunity for children to become prepared for the wider world including gaining an understanding of their rights and responsibilities, money and how to take care of the environment. Thus, we hope that the PHSE curriculum will allow children to be independent, curious and confident individuals.


We believe that PSHE plays a vital part of Primary education and our Catholic values. Our PSHE curriculum is based on guidance from the PSHE Association and encourages pupils to become confident individuals who can make informed decisions about their health, environmental and social issues. PSHE is interweaved throughout our school curriculum; alongside explicit lessons; school assemblies and collective worships; visitors to school and extracurricular activities. Our PSHE curriculum capture the requirements of the Department for Education for all schools ‘to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’.


To ensure that children at our school are ready for life as an adult in the wider world. As stated by the PSHE Association, ‘From making informed decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE education helps pupils prepare for all the opportunities, challenges, life decisions and responsibilities they'll face. This in turn achieves a 'virtuous circle', whereby pupils with better health and wellbeing can achieve better academically, and enjoy greater success.’ Thus, we aim to equip our pupils with the necessary skills that enable them to progress into healthy, independent and proactive members of their communities; who challenge stereotypes and break perceived barriers that may impact upon their future potential.

Please visit the PSHE Association for further information on PSHE teaching and learning - https://pshe-association.org.uk/

Please refer to our school policies for further information found in the Key Information tab.

PSHE in integral in our school curriculum. We provide many enrichment opportunities to enhance our curriculum. Therefore, please refer to other sections on our website found under Curriculum and Shining Stars.

Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education

Information from the Department for Education about the introduction of compulsory relationships education and RSE from September 2020

Q&A for Parents-see link https://www.gov.uk/government/news/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education-faqs?utm_source=2b45920e-083a-44ad-9c3f-16fed9168d3f&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate

As always if you have a question or require any further details do not hesitate to contact school.

Relationships and Sex Education – As a Catholic School, we teach our RSE curriculum through Ten Ten. Ten Ten is an ‘RSE resource in Catholic Education in England, Wales and Scotland, Ten Ten is programme in RSE for Catholic primary schools. The approach aims not be to force an Ethic – our mission will be to inspire an Ethos. This Ethos will be rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church and delivered in a language which is accessible and pastoral. This programme called “Life to the Full”, will inspire parents, teachers, children and young people by teaching about God’s call to love; about how God’s design for creation, especially the human body, reveals insight into His great plan for human relationships as a sign of heavenly unity. This programme will speak into the culture of children and young people and the teaching will be accessible to all. Most importantly, we will continue to use the vehicle which is at the centre of Ten Ten’s methodology: story. For it is through story – fictional, real and personal – that our work can speak into hearts and minds, and help to change the Ethos’. Further information on the RSE curriculum can be found here: https://pshe-association.org.uk/guidance/ks1-4/statutory-rshe


PSHE Long Term Plan 2022-2023.pdf

Learning Journeys in PSHE.pdf



Our subscription to the Ten Ten Scheme

Life to the Fullonly covers the statutory requirements of RHE.

For further information about how RHE fits into PSHE, have a look at this guidance:

Department for Education

PSHE Association

Life to the Fullis based on the structure of theModel Primary RSE Curriculumfrom the Catholic Education Service and we use this as the basis for our lessons and resources. This itself is cited as a work of good practice by the DfE so it should mean that not only are you fully-compliant with the new curriculum but you are delivering a programme that puts Catholic education at the very heart.

Life to the Full is a programme in Relationship and Health Education for Catholic primary schools throughout the UK.

Our Online Parent Portal contains:

  • An overview of the programme, “Life to the Full”
  • Guidance for parents on the content of lessons
  • Activities that can be undertaken at home to support the delivery of the programme

Please contact school if you need a reminder of how to access the parental portal


What is Life to the Full?

It’s a programme in Relationships and Health Education based on the Department of Education guidance which became statutory during the academic year 2020/21.  This programme is rooted in a Christian understanding of the human person, based on“A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum”provided by the Catholic Education Service.

How to use this online portal?

The Online Parent Portal provides parents of children in schools who subscribe toLife to the Fullwith:

  • Information about the programme children will be following;
  • Access to resources;
  • Suggestions for further activity at home.

To access it, follow the links to the year group your child is in. Your school will provide more details about what lessons your child will be learning and when



SMSC and British Values

SMSC and British Values are the foundations of our curriculum. This poster is displayed throughout our school and children are able to highlight where these areas are being taught within the whole curriculum, including PSHE. They closely link with our Catholic Values of Love, Honesty, Trust, Respect and Friendship. These values are displayed in a Value rainbow in our cloakrooms.


PSHE Association

Advice for schools

We provided grant funding to the PSHE Association to advise schools in developing their own PSHE curriculums and improve the quality of teaching. The association focuses on signposting schools to resources and in expanding their Chartered Teacher of PSHE programme. We also asked the Association to promote the teaching of consent as part of SRE, in line with the 2000 statutory guidance.

Please see https://pshe-association.org.uk/guidance/ks1-5/planning/long-term-planning

If you require more detail about what is specifically taught per class do not hesitate to contact school to request this.

PSHE Association Programme of Study for PSHE Education (Key stages 1–5), Jan 2020 (1).pdf

PSHE-Explaining the statutory changes.pdf


Debt Aware

At St Joseph's, we believe that if children start learning the basics of money at an early age, they will be confident about managing money as they grow up. The 'Money and Work' objectives, which are part of the 'Living in the Wider World' section of the PSHE curriculum, are delivered by the Debt Aware program (a registered national debt advice and education charity).  

DebtAware Programme 2022.pdf