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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Performance Tables/Results

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School Results 2023

Each year the pupils in year 2 and year 6 undertake statutory assessments. Where there are 20 pupils in a year group one child has a percentage value of 5%.

Key Stage 2 2024

Year 6 test results (21 pupils in cohort)


Age related Expected Standard

One measure which the DFE uses is the percentage of pupils attaining Age Related Expectations (the broad, nationally expected level for 11 year olds) or more by the end of Year 6 in Reading, Writing and Maths.

KS2 Pupils Achieving the Expected Standard

  • Reading: Expected 67% (national: 74%)
  • Writing: Expected 71% (national: 72%)
  • Maths: Expected 76% (national: 73%)
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: Expected 67% (national 72%)
  • Reading, Writing and Maths combined: Expected: 62% (national 61%)

Achieving a High Standard

  • Reading: 19% (national 28%)
  • Writing: 24% (national 13%)
  • Maths: 24% (national 24%)
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 19% (national 31%)
  • Reading, Writing, Maths combined: 14%

Average Scaled Score

  • Reading 104 (national 105)
  • Maths 104 (national 104)
  • Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling 104 (national 105)

Key Stage 1 2024

Year 2 Teacher Assessments (21 pupils in cohort)

Age Related Expected Standard

  • English Reading 71% (national 68%)
  • English Writing 67% (national 60%)
  • Mathematics 76% (national 70%)
  • Science 91% 
  • Combined RWM 52%

Greater Depth

  • English Reading 24% (national 19%)
  • Writing 14% (national 8%)
  • Maths 19% (national 16%)

Year One Phonics 2024 77% (national 80%)

Foundation Stage Results 2024

EYFS Good Level of Development 71% (national 68%)