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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Curriculum 

Our Science Subject Lead is Mrs Ellison


Pupils at St. Joseph’s will be taught the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.  As their understanding of scientific concepts increases, they will use their knowledge of science to predict, explain and analyse new concepts and ideas. At St. Joseph’s we build on children’s natural curiosity and excitement about science with a creative and engaging science curriculum; all children will develop a positive attitude to science. Our science lessons will be practical and have a real-life purpose, to ensure children develop an understanding of the uses and implications of science now and in the future. Children will develop an awareness of the nature, processes and methods of science when working scientifically in a variety of science enquiries. Children will hear, see and use scientific language to develop their articulation of scientific concepts.


We use the Lancashire resources to provide an exciting, varied and imaginative science curriculum. We will cover the working scientifically skills within each unit, providing as many opportunities as possible to engage children in exploration and experimentation. Teachers are kept up to date on the current best practice through the use of ASE documents and CPD. At St. Joseph’s we hold a whole school science week to increase children’s engagement and enjoyment of science. 


Through our teaching of Science, pupils should be able to: enjoy and look forward to science lessons; recall knowledge they have been taught; use scientific language to explain concepts they have explored; and develop their scientific skills. 

Long term Plan Science.pdf

S.T.E.M. week

 The school held an amazing STEM week and the children took part in lots of activities based on Science , Technology, Engineering and Maths.

STEM week - Maths Scavenger hunts

Class 5 ran Maths Scavenger hunts for other classes, where they had to find the answers to some tricky maths problems.


STEM week - Science Fair

Class 5 hosted a Science Fair where they demonstrated a variety of Science based experiments and activities.

STEM week - Visit to West Craven High School

Children in Class 4 and Class 5 had the opportunity to visit West Craven High School, where they took part in science activities.  They learned how to use a bunsen burner safely and took part in an experiment to identify different chemical solutions based on the colour flame they produced.

STEM week - Class 2 programming

As part of the STEM week activities Class 2 investigated programming the BEEBOT robots.


STEM week - Class 4 comparing measurement

Class 4 took measurements of children who were the same age and compared them to see the differences in arm and leg length and head size. 


STEM week - Class 3  Worm hunt

Class 3 hunted for worms in our school grounds and found out how they are beneficial for the soil.

STEM week - Class 1 planting sunflowers

Class 1 planted sunflowers ;investigated the different parts of the plant and what plants need to grow.  The whole school  also planted sunflowers and held a competition to see whose would grow the tallest. 

STEM week - Technology

All of our classes focused on algorithms and coding during STEM week. Class 1 learnt about the importance of clear instructions by giving verbal instructions to a robot on how to make a jam sandwich! It didn’t always go to plan at first! Class 2 used their knowledge of direction and position from Maths to program robots to move in the right directions. Class 3 used the laptops to program using Turtle. Class 4 were programming using Scratch to create their own animations. Class 5 had the challenge of creating a more complex game using Scratch.

STEM week - Engineering

Class 1 completed lots of junk modelling activities and created their own minibeasts. Class 2 used wheels and axles in designing and making their own moving vehicle. Class 3 finished their
cave art. They made their own paint with natural products. Class 4 have been learning to use a junior hacksaw and using cams to design their own moving mechanical toy. Class 5 designed their own spaghetti bolognese after tasting a few different versions.