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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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As members of a Catholic school we are all involved in developing a caring and supportive atmosphere where good behaviour is encouraged and the safety and welfare of each child is of fundamental importance. We aim to develop self-discipline in our children so that they become responsible individuals and committed members of our Christian Community. Our approach to discipline reflects that of a concerned and reasonable parent.

It is our intention to maintain a happy, ordered environment where effective learning can take place. We will therefore expect the highest possible standards of behaviour from each individual child.

Good behaviour is encouraged through a system of positive rewards including praise (verbal and written), class merits/stickers, public display and performance and recognition in assemblies.

Bullying is actively discouraged at all times and any such offences are dealt with immediately.

The rules and reasons are pointed out to children whenever the need arises.


Most problems can usually be sorted out by the class teacher but persistent unsatisfactory work or behaviour will be dealt with by the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. If there is a serious breach of discipline we will contact parents. A number of sanctions exist to promote good habits of learning and behaviour.

The following can be imposed by the Class Teacher:

-Withdrawal of privilege relative to misbehavior

-Movement to amber or red on traffic light system
-Playtime detention may be given for a serious offence
-Parents informed and involved in the behaviour management process
-Use of progress book (SLT member informed)
-Time out e.g. outside area under supervision, another group, another class
-Child to sit by teacher
-Reasoned explanation of why the behaviour is unacceptable, followed by an appropriate sanction e.g. a verbal or written apology, repetition of an unsatisfactory task.
-Child to assist in rectifying the problem they have caused
-A verbal reprimand appropriate to the child and misbehaviour e.g. within the group, individually
-Developmental written comment on work
-Work to be completed in the child's own time or at home.
-Child sent to another appropriate adult to explain their misbehaviour.
-Referral to Senior Management/Headteacher

Further Sanctions

In addition the class teacher can seek the involvement of the Headteacher. The Headteacher can impose further sanctions.
-Detention outside Headteacher office
-Segregation in dining hall at lunchtimes
-Ask parents to escort children to and from the premises before and after school, on safety grounds
-Fixed exclusion
-Indefinite exclusion
-Permanent exclusion
-Exclusions will be carried out in accordance with LEA policy and Governors directive and be used in only the most serious cases. It should provide a period of time for the consideration and solution of a problem. A short period of exclusion allows an opportunity for all interested parties to come together.
-School will not use 'Informal' or 'unofficial' exclusions, such as sending pupils home 'to cool off' as these are unlawful, regardless of whether they occur with the agreement of parents or carers. School will consider a ‘managed move’ or an ‘alternative provision’ as an alternative to exclusion.

Reference to statutory guidance: ‘Exclusion from Maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England’ (September 2017)
Please see Appendix 3 for further details about exclusions


The school’s discipline procedures can be summarised into four stages. These stages of intervention should be logged and dated in the Concern Files.
Stage 1
-The class teacher supports the child and encourages them to develop strategies which will assist them to resolve their own difficulties.
-If there is no improvement assistance should be sought from another adult in school
-If there is no improvement the child should be informed that parental contact will be made by the class teacher and the reasons should be made clear.
Stage 2
-Joint intervention by the class teacher and parents. The child should be included in discussions as appropriate.
-If there is no improvement the class teacher should inform the parents and child that the matter will be referred to the Head Teacher stating the reasons why.
Stage 3
-Discussions between the Headteacher and parents involving the child as appropriate.
-Involvement of appropriate external agencies may be considered.
-If there is no improvement the Headteacher should inform the parents of any further action which is likely to be taken, stating the reasons why.
Stage 4
The Headteacher refers the matter to the Governing Body giving account of the action taken by school to date, supported by logged information.